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Earlier this month, I took part in a webinar hosted by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Through Ebony Eyes: Preserving the Legacy of Blacks on the Chesapeake. Vince Leggett, the Founder and President of Blacks of the Chesapeake, was the primary presenter. Mr. Leggett is a compelling speaker, weaving in his own experience with tales …
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As we consider safe spaces in the outdoors there are often two important themes: inclusivity in natural spaces and forging community through natural spaces. Natural areas can help people connect, heal, and relax but unfortunately they are also spaces where many non-white or queer folks have been historically excluded. As I reflect on Pride Month and all the fantastic events around the watershed I also want to recognize the individuals and groups who work hard every day to build pride, safety, and community through natural spaces.
Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Find out about a few celebrations happening in the cities where the Alliance has offices and virtual events you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.
May is here and nature is in full bloom! Let’s slow down and take it all in – or at least what’s in our own planters! National Garden Meditation Day is recognized on May 3rd of each year and encourages us all to stop and smell the roses, literally!
Recently it has become more difficult to separate Earth Day events from the awareness of climate change. Traditional Earth Day celebrations and “environmentalism” in general conjure images of vast spaces of protected pristine lands and water, majestic forests, and quintessential North American wildlife species that evoke the feeling of special places and patriotism. Or we …
When you work in the world of forest landowner education, specifically with women who own woodlands, you are bound to hear sooner than later a version of the same cautionary tale. There’s the victim – in the case I learned, a recent widow – and an antagonist – the opportunistic logger. Shortly after the widow’s …
During Black History Month this year, I have read several articles about the iconic environmental breakthroughs of George Washington Carver, or the conservationist mindset of Charles Young. However, I found myself seeking more information about today’s Black environmentalists, the spaces they are working in, and how the Alliance can unite and uplift their messages. I’m …
5 inspiring reads to help develop a richer understanding of the world, strengthen interpersonal skills, and increase your creativity.
As we move through a new year, do not forget the importance of coming together as a community. When we come together, we can make great strides toward real change. This Monday, January 15, we recognize a prominent leader who reminds us of that – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King …
December 3rd is the annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Over 61 million adults in the United States live with a disability (CDC). Whether visible or invisible, these disabilities impact the daily lives of 26% of all US adults. This day serves to celebrate the lives of those with disabilities, while also drawing attention …