DC Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Training – Virtual

June 18th, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Become a Water Quality Monitoring Citizen Scientist and gain hands-on experience collecting data and water samples throughout the District!

The District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) awarded a grant to Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to continue the implementation of a DC-based citizen science water quality monitoring program with the goal of providing up-to-date, weekly water quality data to residents and visitors weekly.

A certified water quality monitoring citizen scientist helps collect water quality samples from 24 sites weekly from May – September. Sampling is done Wednesday, with Thursday mornings as a backup for inclement weather. Each site is sampled for bacteria, water temperature, air temperature, pH, and turbidity. Do not worry if these terms are unfamiliar; all will be taught in the training. After attending a training session, attending an in person demo, and passing a certification test, volunteers become certified water quality citizen scientists who can help collect water quality samples.


Register For the Virtual Training Here