Forest Financing February: Conservation Finance 101

February 7th, 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Forest Financing February

The Forestry Workgroup at the Chesapeake Bay Program invites you to a webinar mini-series we are calling Forest Financing February.

Who: Chesapeake Bay partners and others interested in learning about emerging finance markets for restoration and conservation on (primarily) private forest lands.

When: Fridays in February 2020. 11 AM-noon EST. All sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

Why: To build knowledge and capacity on finance tools that can help scale-up restoration and conservation efforts in the Chesapeake and elsewhere.

How: Register here. You will receive the webinar link via email. This link will access all the webinars.

February 7, 11-noon. Conservation Finance 101. Tim Male, Executive Director, Environmental Policy Innovation Center – This presentation will provide an introduction to conservation finance and why we need it.