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Over 100,000 streams and rivers flow through 64,000 square miles of forest, fields, roads, cities, and towns on their way to the Chesapeake Bay. These waterways are an important resource for the communities that they flow through.
The average American generates 4.5 pounds of trash every day, and with 19 million of us living in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, it’s safe to say that plenty of trash makes its way into our local waterways.
Plastics contain toxic chemicals such as pesticides and flame retardants.
Trash can take hundreds of years to decompose and break down.
Animals become entangled in trash.
Microplastics are ingested by fish and eventually consumed by humans.
Established in 2004, Project Clean Stream has offered 18 years of opportunities for local communities, companies, and conservationists, to come together and take action on their local streams, creeks, and rivers.
Volunteers have the opportunity to pick up trash in their communities, discover how their everyday decisions affect the overall health of their local waterways, and ultimately foster a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the Chesapeake.
Join us as long-time Project Clean Stream site captain, John Long, discusses what the events have done for his community.
Donate Today!
No matter where you live in the Chesapeake region, there is something you can do to create a tangible benefit for the broader Bay watershed we share.
Your gift today empowers community volunteers to have meaningful hands-on experiences that build lasting relationships within and beyond their communities and help protect our natural world.
Removing trash from our waterways while fostering a new generation of local stewards is a tangible upstream solution to a downstream problem.
Photo credit: Ryan Pelham/Bowie State University
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