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Home / Blogs / Resource Recap: Tree Stewards Training
June 27, 2023
This past month, the Alliance’s Forests team hosted another Tree Stewards training in partnership with the Delaware Forest Service. Designed as a four-part training series, Tree Stewards is a project spearheaded by the Alliance, but it would not be possible without support from our committed local partners.
Since 2020, the Alliance has hosted 11 separate tree stewards trainings in partnership with Maryland Forest Service, Delaware Forest Service, the US Forest Service, Antietam-Conococheague Watershed Alliance, ShoreRivers, Anacostia Watershed Society, and the Watershed Stewards Academy of Anne-Arundel County.
Each Tree Stewards training is unique, as the training normally focuses on specific geographies, like the Capital Region of Maryland or the state of Delaware. However, each training has the same goal: to promote, enhance, and increase tree canopy coverage in our urban and suburban environments by training and supporting community volunteers in proper tree planting and tree care practices.
These four-session online training and program resources will equip communities with skills to be able to work with neighbors, organizations, and local public agencies within their own communities to organize and lead tree planting projects, assess potential tree planting sites, care for existing tree canopy, and access a variety of technical and financial resources to bolster their work.
Tree Stewards covers the following topics:
In case you missed the live sessions this time, catch up on YouTube:
More information about the various Tree Stewards programs and other resources for increasing and maintaining urban tree canopy can be found at the Chesapeake Urban Tree Canopy website.
Communications & Web Specialist
(717) 517 8698
Forests for the Bay