Congrats Teddi! I met Teddi when she was working for Juniata Co Conservation District – where she had envisioned making, of all things, a rural based golf course a restoration site that would provide nearby farmers an accessible and visible place to learn more about riparian buffers and stream improvements in a low-pressure environment. Most of the farmers in this immediate proximity were not likely to be golfers, but all were able to see the work that was underway – and the eventual improvements. On paper, I thought the project seemed a bit odd. In person and upon meeting Teddi, it was clear that she had a way of bringing together people, partners, and places for conservation wins. Since that time – I've appreciated Teddi's "can-do" spirit and willingness to champion projects that are out-of-the-box thinking with clear conservation outcomes that benefit landowners, communities, and the agencies vested in their success.