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Home / Blogs / RiverSmart Rebate – Revamped
July 16, 2013
In a continued effort to improve our programs, the RiverSmart Rebate has received a facelift! To streamline the application process and make it easier for homeowners, we have eliminated the requirement to register through the DC Green Up website. While we still encourage homeowners to use Green Up DC as a project planning tool, website registration is no longer a requirement within the initial application phase. The RiverSmart Rebate Program is available to any District homeowner who is interested in installing a rain garden or pervious pavers or removing impervious surface. Homeowners who have already participated in the RiverSmart Homes Program are welcome to complete an additional project through RiverSmart Rebate. The project may be completed by a contractor or DIY (do-it-yourself). Through the RiverSmart Rebate Program, DC residents can apply to receive $500 – $1,000 towards their project, based on the project size.To find out more information about the program and to apply, visit the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay website or the DDOE website.
DC Regional Director
(202) 905 4945
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