On April 27th, 2012 the Alliance partnered with Starbucks  and HandsOn Richmond to plant trees at the City of Richmond’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), in an effort to reforest surrounding areas of vacant land. Over 40 people gathered on a beautiful spring morning during Earth Week to plant river birch, sycamore, red twig dogwood, and black willows. Over 200 trees were planted. Starbucks employees came from stores located all over Richmond and were excited about the opportunity to participate in an effort that brings community together and benefits our environment.

Why Plant Trees?

The benefits of urban trees are numerous and range from aesthetic to economic, but the Alliance’s interest in planting trees is to provide habitat and improve water quality. Trees improve soil quality by increasing infiltration, improve water quality by absorbing polluted stormwater containing excess nutrients before it reaches waterways, and trees improve air quality by consuming carbon dioxide and absorbing particulate matter from the air.The Alliance will continue to work with the City and the WWTP to plant more trees there this fall. We are also working with Richmond City Public Schools and Parks to identify properties that are in need of trees for shade and habitat around the school property. The Alliance has received funding from Altria to partner with the City of Richmond, VA to plant up to 1500 trees by the end of 2012.