On November 18th, leaders from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Izaak Walton League of America, Virginia Citizens for Water Quality, and Virginia Water Monitoring Council, and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay renewed a long-standing commitment to partnering to give citizens the tools and trainings needed to accurately assess water quality.The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has been engaging volunteers in monitoring water quality for 30 years. We are thankful for the many volunteers who contribute countless hours to collecting and submitting data. We also thank the Commonwealth of Virginia for recognizing the importance and value of citizen collected data and providing technical and financial support to our program and other citizen monitoring programs across the state.

To learn more about the Alliance’s volunteer water quality monitoring program visit: allianceforthebay.org/our-work/connecting-people/rivertrends

If you’d like to become a volunteer monitor, contact Anna Mathis at amathis@allianceforthebay.org to sign up for an upcoming training.