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Join the Alliance as we host back-to-back tree plantings in a relay-style event to get thousands of trees in the ground in just one day. Known as “Treelay,” this event takes place at numerous sites across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and volunteers plant continuously for one full day.
Learn About the 2025 Treelay Sites
For decades, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has engaged communities in watershed conservation via volunteer tree plantings.
Not only do volunteer tree plantings help accomplish important work and increase awareness about watershed issues, but they also empower communities to take action and can cascade into more locally-led stewardship. This is why we’re on a mission to get as many community members outside as possible.
Sign Up for a Treelay Volunteer Shift
Every year, the Alliance engages communities, companies, and conservationists to plant thousands of trees in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Treelay is a watershed-wide hands-on volunteer day, focused on restoring our local forests. Through volunteer tree planting and engagement events across the watershed, Treelay will improve the health of local ecosystems and engage local community members to play a role in the health of their lands and waters.
Our inaugural Treelay in October 2022 kicked off with 170 volunteers who planted over 3,000 trees, and during our second Treelay in 2024, over 230 volunteers planted more than 4,000 trees!
Ryan Davis, Senior Forests Projects Manager at the Alliance, chats with Kay Wood, the host of the Planet Philadelphia podcast, about Treelay and, of course, the overall importance of planting trees in our communities.
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Ad Crable, staff writer at the Bay Journal, attended our 2 AM to 6 AM shift in Gap, Pennsylvania, and highlighted a few volunteers along the way.
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Consider showing your support for Treelay by purchasing a shirt with unique artwork for the event! Multiple colors and style options will be available for a limited time.
More details coming soon.
We are seeking sponsors to make this event as impactful, comfortable, family-friendly, and fun as possible! We hope you and your team will consider making an impact on this important goal by sponsoring Treelay and joining us to plant trees!
To learn more about Treelay sponsorship opportunities, download the Treelay sponsorship packet here.
Sponsor Treelay!