[imageframe link=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/29388462@N06/23225422080/” class=”acb-img-container float-right-container” ] The Chesapeake Bay is among the nation’s greatest natural resources and one of its most challenged bodies of water. Chesapeake Bay seafood is prized around the world and Virginia ranks third in the nation for seafood production. A cleaner Bay is also good for business – more tourism, more seafood and more jobs.

That’s why we need help from Virginians like you to keep the bay clean. Please consider buying a Bay license plate. Proceeds from the sale of these plates will help citizens keep the bay healthy by restoring wetlands, planting buffers around waterways, promoting marine life restoration, decreasing pollution and providing educational programs. Each year dozens of grants totaling more than $350,000 are distributed throughout Virginia’s Bay region to qualifying grant applicants.

Now you can join the cause from your car by becoming a Friend of the Chesapeake Bay. For a $25 annual fee you can have personalized revenue-sharing license plates with $15 going to the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund. So, Bay friend, what’s on your plate?

To purchase a plate, visit www.dmv.state.va.us/vehicles/#splates/info.asp?idnm=CB

Download and share the flier Be a Bayfriend (.pdf)!